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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
JOVAN sport scent 3
KOLON sport +trees 28
MIND sport +triangles 28
NS NELCO sport +oval 28
P PACO sport 26
POLO sport 18, 25
PROGAIN sport 5
REGATTA sport 25
REX sport shoes 25
RLX polo sport 9
SAHARA sport 18, 20, 25, 28
SAHARI sport 20, 28
SECTOR sport watches +bird 14
SEN sport +squares 28
SHELL sport 4
SOTC sport abroad 16
TABAC sport 3
TATA sport 12
TC sport 25
TERRAIN sport 25
THEME sport 25
TVS sport 12
VOLINI sport 5
W WILLS sport +arrows 28
WILLS sport +arrows 25
WOS WORLD OF sport 28
ZEGNAS sport 25
pr sport DE PACO RABANNE 3
regatta sport 18
LE SHARK sportif +fish 25
sporting excellence +torch 41
DICK'S sporting goods 9, 18, 25, 35
PKE PRESTO sporting goods 28
PRESTO sporting goods +arcs 28
ROYAL sporting house 28
sports ACTIVE +arc & oval 25
sports BOULEVARD 41
sports FORMA 9, 25, 28
sports KIDS +cartoon 29
sports PLUS 16
sports RIDER 28
sports STATION 28
sports STATION +square 9, 25
sports cafe 28
sports icons 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41
sports kids +cartoon 42
sports world 16
1440 sports 14
4U sports apparels +arc 28
7 sports 25
A A1 ONE outdoor sports 18
A RCHOS sports +squares 41
A.B. sports 25
A.S. sports 25
AB sports +triangle & squar 35
ACE sports +triangle 25
ACTEVE sports 25
AIR SPEED surendra sports 28
AKBAR sports +square 25
AMIT sports wear 25
ANANSU sports +lion 25, 28
ARY sports 25
BALKORRA sports +oval 25
BARE sports 25
BEEVEE sports 25
BELL sports +ovals 25
BIG sports 9
BRANKO sports +arrows 18, 25, 26, 28
CAXTON sports 28
CHAMPION sports 28, 35
CITY sports 28
CIVIK sports utility 25
CNN IBN sports +globe 38, 41
CROCO sports 25
CS CHAMPION sports +ovals 35
CYBER sports 16, 41
DAZZLE sports wear +arrows 25
DIASTAR sports 25
DIDA enjoy everyday sports 28
DYNA sports 28
E ESBEE sports +circle 28
EASTSTAR sports +star 25
ES ETAM sports 3, 18, 25
ESP ESPRIT sports 18, 24
FOX sports central 41
GRO EXCLUSIVE sports wear 25
HAVAS sports & entertainmen 16, 35, 41
HI-sports 12
HOLY'S sports wear +arcs 25
HS hindustan sports +circle 28
HYPERFORMANCE motor sports 16
ICON sports wear +lion oval 25
ID sports 16
INDIA TIMES sports 9, 16, 38, 41
IZI sports +triangles 25
JAGUAREVES sports club +gir 41
KAMASUTRA sports 5
KOOH sports +squares 41
LALIT sports 28
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